This document describes the steps involved to install a complete EMG platform with EMG 8, EMG Portal, and the EMG Watchdog, running in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. A few steps are intentionally formulated in a way that forces you to check whether you actually understand what needs to be done (for example, things like “edit the file X”). The reason for this is simple. In order to manage and troubleshoot an EMG server, you need to be comfortable using the Unix command line tools, and understand their output. If you are, going through this guide will be quite trivial. If you are not, please first get assistance from somebody who is.
It may be useful to add the server to your DNS records. Here we will assume that it can be reached using the name
Basic OS installation and configuration
The EMG binaries are built on Ubuntu 18, and should work on all 64 bit Linux distributions with a libc version of at least 2.27. Some commands and system package names may differ, so pay close attention to any warnings and error messages.
The operating system must be clean, so do not install any management tools such as Plesk.
- Login as root.
- Update the package lists:
apt-get update
- Upgrade the existing packages:
apt-get upgrade -y
- Install a few additional packages:
apt-get install -y curl gdb less mariadb-client ntp ntpdate
openssh-client valgrind vim zsh
- We need PHP 7.4, which requires a few special steps. By default this distribution uses PHP 8.3, which we do not yet support.
- First, we need PHP itself.
add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php -y
apt update
apt install -y php7.4 libapache2-mod-php7.4 php7.4-mysql php7.4-curl - Finally, we restart the web server.
systemctl restart apache2
- First, we need PHP itself.
- Make sure the server is using the correct time zone. First find the correct name for your time zone. The Braxo office is in Stockholm, so we would run this:
timedatectl list-timezones | grep Stockholm
This prints Europe/Stockholm. Next, set it:timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Stockholm
- Create the user “emg” and assign a good password to the new account. Consider having a strong password generated by your favourite password manager.
useradd -m -s /bin/bash emg
passwd emg - Download and install the EMG Perl package. This package includes all CPAN modules used by the plugins used by EMG Portal. If you need additional modules for your own plugins, they must be installed within this environment.
cd /tmp
cd /opt
tar xzf /tmp/perl-5.40.0-emg.tar.gz
chown -R emg:emg perl-5.40.0-emg
Local email server
The server needs to be able to send emails, so the server needs some sort of local email server. The EMG server can both receive and send emails by itself, so the system email server is just for system messages and status updates from the EMG Watchdog. You can of course configure this system email server any way you want, but a common situation is when you already have an outgoing email server somewhere else. The local email server here could then be installed and configured using the steps below.
- Install Postfix:
apt-get install -y postfix
This will start a wizard that will help you with the initial configuration. - If the other email server requires authentication, you need to do a few more things.
- Add the authentication information in the
file. It will be a line like this:[]:25 username:password
part is what you entered as the relay host and port in the previous step. - In
, add these two lines:smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
Runpostmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
- Add the authentication information in the
- Your email server may need additional configuration, which you can add at this point.
- Finally, reload the Postfix configuration.
postfix reload
Database server
EMG normally uses a MySQL/MariaDB database for various things. If you already have such a database server up and running, you can skip this section. We will install a new database server on the local machine, as that gives the best performance.
- Install the MariaDB server.
apt-get install -y mariadb-server
- Check that the database server is running correctly.
systemctl status mariadb
- Set the root password, and remove various unused things.
EMG server installation
- Request an evaluation license key at You will get an email containing the license, as well as the username and password to use when downloading the EMG software.
- Download the latest EMG server package to the
/tmp /tmp
wget --output-document=emg.tar.gz --http-user=… --http-password=…
tar xzf emg.tar.gz - Run the installation script. Specify the newly created user “
” for user and group, “/home/emg/etc
” for configuration files, and “/home/emg/bin
” for executables. You can either enter your evaluation license information here, or just leave the fields empty and copy the license data to etc/license manually afterwards. You can answer No on whether to start the server automatically on emg-dist
Run “su - emg
” to become to emg user. It is very important that all files and directory within the /home/emg
directory tree are owned by the emg user, otherwise the EMG server may not be able to start.
- Set the EMG base directory in the bash profile script, and make sure you will use the correct perl binaries. If you want to use zsh, do the same for
. Please note the last command, which is not a typo.echo 'export EMGDIR=$HOME/etc' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH=/opt/perl-5.40.0-emg/bin:$HOME/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
. $HOME/.bash_profile - Change the current directory to
. All files and directories from this point, unless they start with a /, are relative to that directory. - Replace the default EMG configuration file with the one to be used with a database based configuration.
cp server.cfg.dbconfig server.cfg
- Create a new password for the database user to be used by EMG. Again, we recommend using a password manager.
- Update the
script, settingemgpasswd
to the new password. Also update theDATABASE
section inserver.cfg
with this information. - Create the EMG database and user. If you decided to disable the root password in the database when running
earlier, the command below must be run as the root sql/ createdb
- Edit the
file, and update the database credentials in theDATABASE
section. - At this point we can make a few quick tests to see that the server is working correctly.
- Run
emgd -v
to verify that yourPATH
is correct, and that EMG finds the license information. If not, maybe you forgot to source.bash_profile
earlier? - Create empty versions of the two plugins which will later be provided by the EMG Portal distribution:
- Start the EMG server.
- Verify that it is running, and has create a couple of connectors.
- Check whether you got any errors or warnings. If so, these must be resolved. There should only be two “CRITICAL” entries, and a few “INFO” entries.
tail -40 log/general
- You can run
emgstat -db
andemgstat -plugin
to see your database connections and plugins, respectively. - Stop the server, and verify that it takes less than 5 seconds. If not, you may have more information in log/general. This must also be resolved before continuing.
time emgd -stop
- Run
EMG watchdog installation
The EMG watchdog monitors the EMG server process (emgd) and performs operations such as starting and stopping the server. It also monitors the available disk space in the file system and sends a notification when a specified limit has been reached. In order to serve API calls it uses a built-in web server, which listens on port 3000 by default.
- Go through the “Configuration variables” section in the watchdog script ~/
and add any variables you want to change to a new file, named ~/bin/emg_watchdog.cfg
. In particular, make sure the following ones are set to relevant values.@notify_recipients
– E-mail address(es) to which the watchdog should send e-mail notifications.$mail_from
– Sender address for e-mail notifications.
- Run ~/
to start the watchdog. It will print a message about being started, as well as sending an email with that message. If you do not receive that email, please check both the configuration above, the watchdog log fileetc/log/emg_watchdog.log
, the local mail server log at/var/log/mail.log
, the logs for the mail server downstreams, any spam filters, etc. - Next, run
. The watchdog should have noticed that the server is not running, and start it. This command checks that this startup succeeded. - We will now ensure that the EMG watchdog is started automatically on system boot.
- Switch to the root user.
- Add the command below to the end of the
file. This file may not exist at this point, so just create a new - emg -c "perl /home/emg/bin/ &"
- Set the file permissions on this file.
chmod 744 /etc/rc.local
EMG Portal installation
Some files in the EMG Portal application are protected by ionCube, so you need to install their loader. Please note that everything in this section must be done by the root user.
- Download the installer.
cd /var/www/html
tar xzf loader-wizard.tgz
- Open the installation wizard, using the correct name of your EMG server. It will tell you what needs to be done. To restart the Apache server, run “
systemctl restart apache2
Next, we install the Portal itself.
cd /var/www/html
wget -O /tmp/emgportal.tgz
mkdir emgportal
cd emgportal
tar xzf /tmp/emgportal.tgz
chown -R emg:emg .
chmod 777 assets protected/runtime protected/config
cp htaccess.sample .htaccess- Modify the
file to use the right sub-uri by uncommenting the “#RewriteBase /emgportal
” line. - Enable the rewrite module.
a2enmod rewrite
- Add the Portal to the Apache configuration.
cp emgportal.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/
a2enconf emgportal - Restart the web server again.
systemctl restart apache2
- Add your IP address, as it would be seen by the EMG Portal, to
variable on line 3 ininstall/index.php
. If you are not sure about this value, skip this step for now. The correct value will be printed when starting the Portal installer. - Copy
. Update the “params” section at the end, most importantly the “baseUrl” field. - Open the EMG Portal installer in your browser, and complete the steps there. Please do not miss the steps on the last page, where you prevent the
directory to be writable by the web server process.
- The first page shown after logging in to the EMG Portal is the Dashboard. There you should now see a System Information box, showing the version number of both the Portal and the EMG server. It should also show that the Watchdog is running.
- We strongly recommend activating HTTPS on the server. The easiest method is most likely to use a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt. Just install and run their tool certbot, according to these instructions from EFF.
Finishing touches
Now there are just a few steps left. Here you should again be logged in as the emg user.
- Copy the real
, replacing the empty files we created earlier. They both get the database credentials from the configuration, so they should not require any changes. - Copy the helper scripts from
.cd $HOME/bin
cp /var/www/html/emgportal/misc/hourly_summary* .
mv hourly_summary.cfg.sample hourly_summary.cfg - Edit
and update the database settings.
you may also want to adjust the other parameters. Later you can include your own tables here, if needed. - Run “
crontab -e
” to edit the crontab entry for the emg user, and add the following lines:# Purge old records
*/5 * * * * /home/emg/bin/ >>/tmp/cleandb.log 2>&1
# Aggregate statistics for EMG Portal message reports
* * * * * /home/emg/bin/ >>/tmp/hourly_summary.log 2>&1
* * * * * /home/emg/bin/ >>/tmp/hourly_summary_connector.log 2>&1
# Trigger a daily report for the current month
5 0 * * * wget --no-check-certificate -O - >/tmp/cron_report.log 2>&1
# Trigger scheduled jobs
* * * * * wget --no-check-certificate -O - >/tmp/cron_send.log 2>&1
Site specifics
Next up are all your site specific stuff.
- In the “Dashboard / EMG configuration / Connectors”, disable the providerA connector, and add your own downstream suppliers. By using virtual connectors such as smpp-out-tmpl you can avoid duplication between connectors with similar options. The “Send” menu option makes it easy to verify their functionality.
- Create EMG accounts for the incoming traffic, and then link them to new Customers and Web users. The EMG accounts can connect directly to the EMG server and are used for billing, while Web users can login to the EMG Portal.
- Set up routing and pricing. The billing plugin handles routing and pricing for MT messages sent via EMG accounts, and the mo_routing plugin handles routing for MO messages coming back from the SMS providers. So, typically you have the billing plugin enabled on incoming connectors such as smpp-in1, and mo_routing on outgoing connectors such as providerA.
- Enable database backups.
- Put $EMGDIR under version control, for example using Git. Skip the log and spool directories.
- Even though EMG accounts can have their access restricted to specific IP addresses or ranges, having a firewall in front of the server is often a good idea.