Download EMG 7.2.28


2024-08-26: EMG 7.2.29 is now released.


These are the changes in EMG 7.2.28 as compared to EMG 7.2.27.

  • Previously, if HEXID was set on an outgoing connector, the message id logged in the pdu log file was the value converted to decimal. This is now the original hexadecimal string. It can also be up to 128 bits long now, instead of 64. However, this hexadecimal-decimal thing is a thing from SMPP 3.3. Starting from SMPP 3.4, the string in the message id field and the string in the “id:” part of a delivery report, should now be opaque and identical strings.
  • There is a new set of log files, called group.X, where X is the name of a connector group. These contain information saying where each message were routed.
  • The “Incoming connection from” and “Connected to” lines in the pdu logs now include the thread id.
  • If a plugin sets a numeric message option (in the “qe” object) to an empty string, the option is removed. Previously it was set to 0 in some cases.
  • The connector option COPY_TO=targetConnector is added. If set, a copy of each incoming message is also routed to the targetConnector. This copy has a new message id, and the message id of the original message is sent as the ORIGINAL_ID option. Also, the DLR option is forced to 0, and the DLR option of the original message is sent as the ORIGINAL_DLR option. You probably want to use EBE or HTTP for the targetConnector, so these two new options can be sent properly.
  • The pdu log entries for replies BIND operations in SMPP now include both the SYSTEMID and SCINTERFACEVERSION fields. The value for the SYSTEMID field is taken from the new connector option SYSTEM_ID, which is only valid for incoming SMPP connectors. The SCINTERFACEVERSION field is only returned if the SMPP version is at least 3.4.
  • The SMPP deliver_sm response now always includes the message id, even though the SMPP 3.4 specification says this should be empty. Note: This turned out to be incompatible with some other SMS systems, so this change will be reverted for version 7.2.29.
  • The error messages logged to log/general when the specified incoming or outgoing connector in a routing rule does not exist, now include the file name where this was found.
  • When sending a message that needs to be split on the way out, the delivery report for one part may arrive before having sent all other parts. This could lead to the status update chain Queued – Delivered – Relayed. To avoid this, the temporary status Relayed is now set only if the status is not already one of the final statues (Delivered, Failed, etc).
  • We now include the new tool pdurunner, designed primarily for testing.


The downloads are password-protected. To obtain the username and password required, please use our license request form. If you already have an existing installation, you should download just the new binaries.

With SSLWithout SSL
BinariesEMG 7.2.28-ssl-binariesEMG 7.2.28-nossl-binaries
Full distributionEMG 7.2.28-ssl-fullEMG 7.2.28-nossl-full