Download EMG 8.0.2


These are the changes in EMG 8.0.2 as compared to EMG 8.0.1. It also contains the changes from the 7.2 branch up to version 7.2.33.

  • Perl plugins now get the environment variables EMG and EMGDIR again, which has been missing since version 8.0.0.


The downloads are password-protected. To obtain the username and password required, please use our license request form. If you already have an existing installation, you should download just the new binaries. However, if you’re upgrading from EMG 7 or earlier, please also take a look at the full installation guide, as you may also need a new Perl installation.

Binaries and scriptsEMG 8.0.2-binaries
Full distributionEMG 8.0.2-full