Download EMG 7.2.8


2021-03-19: EMG 7.2.9 is now released.


These are the changes in EMG 7.2.8 as compared to EMG 7.2.7.

  • The functionality of NODEID is restored, which unfortunately broke in version 7.2.7.
  • The 7 bit character set used for GSM, commonly known as “GSM-7”, and perhaps more correctly named “GSM 03.38”, has until now been called “IA5” in EMG. This was an unfortunate mistake, as IA5 is another character set, more similar to Latin-1. For backwards compatibility IA5 will still be recognised in configurations, but from now on we also support the names “GSM7” and “GSM-7”. This includes the option DCS_FOR_IA5, which now has an alias DCS_FOR_GSM7.
  • A new connector option REDIRECT_ROUTING is added. This option takes a filename just as the previous ROUTING connector option, but works on the target connector. In other words, it is used when messages are routed to a connector, just as the REDIRECT option, but uses a configuration file just as the ROUTING option.


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BinariesEMG 7.2.8-ssl-binariesEMG 7.2.8-nossl-binaries
Full distributionEMG 7.2.8-ssl-fullEMG 7.2.8-nossl-full